From artificial intelligence to a booming industrial market, here are four workplace trends to watch for in 2024.

Broadly speaking, the workplace has been in flux post-pandemic. We’re passionate about analyzing the ongoing evolution of the workplace market and lighting up the office to succeed in these changing times. 

At the start of 2023, we took a hard look at how employee well-being, Generation Z entering the workforce, and working from home would affect the workplace. In 2024, we’ll continue to keep an eye on remote work and employee well-being. But we’ll also be on the lookout for a few newer trends — like artificial intelligence going mainstream and a looming boom in the industrial workplace market.

1. Employees and Employers Will Compromise on Remote Work

Nearly four years after COVID-19 brought the world to a halt, workplace leaders are more inclined than ever to think it’s time for their troops to return to the office. Some have implemented monitoring systems to counteract the growing trend of “coffee badging,” where employees show up to the office and return home after putting in just a bit of face time.

Most Americans like to have the option to work from home. But the office isn’t going away. According to Forbes, nearly 60% of employees go into the office, or their place of work, every day. Approximately one-third of employees vacillate between in-office and at-home work. Only 12% work from home full-time.

Dressing in athleisure at home and foregoing the commute are nice. But they have a cost. Remote work can disrupt the onboarding process, particularly for new hires and college graduates. A recent Paychex survey found that more than one-third of remote workers didn’t have a clear onboarding process. Without one, retaining new hires can be difficult.

2. The Industrial Market Will Continue to Grow

The U.S. industrial market is booming. Pandemic-era supply-chain mishaps motivated companies to bring jobs back to the United States. New legislation, such as the CHIPS and Science Act and the Inflation Reduction Act, have injected federal money into domestic manufacturing. Annual construction spending in manufacturing was $200 billion as of July 2023.

This demand for industrial space has also been driven by e-commerce. And there’s no sign of that demand slowing down. E-commerce is expected to experience double-digit growth in 2024 and 2025.

Next year, we expect to see more and more industrial facilities and warehouses built, updated, and outfitted to accommodate the changing ways of digital commerce.

3. AI Will Help Employees Distinguish Themselves

Nearly one-fourth of Americans fear artificial intelligence could make their jobs obsolete, according to a survey from CNBC and SurveyMonkey. The share is even higher among people making less than $50,000 annually, younger workers, and Black, Hispanic, and Asian Americans.  

It may seem like artificial intelligence appeared out of nowhere, and now it’s everywhere. Overnight, ChatGPT became a household name. But if you’re apprehensive about AI, remember that we all have more experience with the technology than we think. Ubiquitous tools from Google Translate to Siri are forms of artificial intelligence.

With this perspective, it’s useful to remember the commonly shared idea: AI is not going to replace you as an employee. However, an employee who knows how to use AI is likely to replace an employee who does not.

Viewing AI as a tool rather than a threat reveals its potential to enhance job performance and efficiency. In essence, employees who can adeptly utilize AI could potentially outperform and appear more valuable to employers than those who don’t.

With this perspective, it’s useful to remember the commonly shared idea: AI is not going to replace you as an employee. However, an employee who knows how to use AI is likely to replace an employee who does not.

Viewing AI as a tool rather than a threat reveals its potential to enhance job performance and efficiency. In essence, employees who can adeptly utilize AI could potentially outperform and appear more valuable to employers than those who don’t.

4. Employee Well-Being Will Remain a Top Priority

Workplace wellness is more than just a catchphrase. Eight in ten workers said that at least one workplace factor had a negative impact on their mental health, according to a survey from Mind Share Partners in partnership with Qualtrics and ServiceNow.

Employers can make some small but powerful investments to counteract this trend. The most “desired resource,” according to the same survey, is simply an “open culture” to discuss mental health and well-being at work.

It’s important for employers to emphasize that voicing concerns when problems arise is welcome and expected. By instilling confidence in their employees, employers can empower their teams to advocate for themselves, overcome adversity, and do top-notch work.

Adapting to the Changing Workplace

As we embark on a journey into the year 2024, the landscape of the modern workplace continues to undergo rapid evolution.

The trends we discussed have the potential to shape the future of work in profound ways. They not only reflect the shifting attitudes and preferences of employees but also the strategic responses of organizations as they adapt to these changes. As we navigate these shifts, it’s crucial to stay well-informed, adaptable, and proactive.

Flexibility: The New Movement in Classroom Design

As classroom teachers and instructional leaders will soon be returning for another schoolyear, new priorities are front and center. Among them, and often at top of the list, is figuring out how to create a flexible classroom without disrupting classroom culture and community. Creating an environment that supports a variety of learning methods while instilling a sense of belonging and excitement for little ones is a challenge. In addition, creating this space with the ability to be rearranged in a snap of the fingers is becoming more and more important for educators. 

Flexibility in Classroom Furniture and Design 

For many early learning environments and elementary classrooms, open plans have already replaced the desks in rows. Classrooms have become hives for learning. And now they’re spaces that need to support quiet, independent reading, group projects, 1:1 time with teachers, technology access, whole class learning, and areas for collaboration, dramatic play, art, and even physical activities. 

All together, traditional classrooms have a growing number of constantly evolving needs to accommodate. As educators and administrators look for answers, these six tips can serve as inspiration for redesigning, rearranging, and reprovisioning learning spaces to meet learning, safety, and budgetary needs.

Tip #1: Mobile Furniture for Optimum Flexibility

Classrooms, particularly those in older facilities, are often small. And even in settings where classrooms offer ample space, furniture with wheels and locking casters can make it easier and faster to rearrange to accommodate teaching and learning, as students’ and curriculum needs evolve. From creating ad hoc centers for small group and individual student activities, to making “circle time” for the whole class easy to manage, mobile furnishings can help teachers streamline classroom setup and management. 

Another consideration? Mobile furniture can help maintain optimum distance between students, throughout the school day and that supports critical health and safety protocols.

Tip #2: Modular Furniture Adds New Options for Room Configuration

Modular furniture like KYDZ Suite® from Jonti-Craft can give educators even more choices for configuring classrooms, daycares, preschools, libraries, learning labs, and other environments. Matt Hinkle, Jonti-Craft’s VP of Sales noted, “Our Mobile Collaborative Tables can easily switch from individual desks to grouped tables to make it possible to adapt the space to the instructional need or activity at hand. It’s a great way to encourage collaboration yet provide individual space for specific tasks and projects when needed.” 

With added pieces, like modular storage units, makerspace centers, and special-purpose pieces like sensory tables, easels, or dramatic play units, modular furniture and accessories make it possible to keep classrooms organized and provide the right environment for learning across the curriculum.

Tip #3: Multipurpose Furniture Saves Time, Money, and Space

Shelving that holds books, supplies, or bins. Storage units that have magnetic backs for additional work surfaces. Makerspace centers that include desk and writing areas for students. Activity tables that work for hands-on crafts and building projects and convert to writing areas with dry erase surfaces. These are just some of the options that are now available in classroom furniture. They’re a great way to add functionality to corners or other classroom areas, that may be underutilized. When educators are looking for ways to support multiple activities and interactions among teachers and students, multi-purpose furniture can answer these needs affordably.

Tip #4: Creative Storage Solutions Make a Big Impact

Classrooms are busy places, with all kinds of activities happening simultaneously. And each curriculum area typically requires its own sets of materials, equipment, and resources. Creative storage solutions can make a difference. From mobile storage carts like the Jonti-Craft STEM Carts and shelving designed to hold a mix of bins, trays, papers, and folders—to compact lockers and mobile coat storage like the Jonti-Craft Mobile Backpack Cart—new storage options continue to make organization, access to materials, and classroom management easier for both teachers and students alike. 

Tip #5: Yes, Furniture and Accessories Matter for Health and Safety

Health and safety have always been top priorities for schools and early childhood centers and now, those concerns have grown even more critical. From basics like rounded corners, and hinges such as Jonti-Craft KYDZHinges® that protect tiny fingers all the way to providing surfaces that can be cleaned and sanitized multiple times a day, classroom furniture plays a key role in keeping classrooms clean, safe, and healthy. New innovations, like Jonti-Craft’s Clean Hands Helper portable sinks that don’t require plumbing hookups, are answering the need for hygiene in the classroom and other early learning spaces. And as health requirements evolve and social distancing needs change, furniture, storage, and seating that can be reconfigured quickly will contribute to keeping classrooms open, accessible, and productive.

Tip #6: Rethinking Classroom Configurations and Design Is More Important Than Ever

The days of students sitting in neat rows are rapidly fading. Circular configurations, special functional areas, team or group pods, and more are effective ways to plan classroom spaces. Matt Hinkle added, “Classroom design services and expertise have never been more important than now. Not only does this caliber of professional service help schools and educational organizations optimize their learning spaces, but professional space planners and architects are instrumental in adding the critical elements of health and safety into room design. And that’s essential in keeping school operating successfully for students, families, staff, and their communities.” 

Where to Start…

As educators in all types of learning areas continue to adjust, update, or expand their facilities, it’s always a smart strategy to consult with specialists in classroom design and furnishings. Then, educators can compare plans and options, costs, and other safety and health considerations to arrive at the optimum approach to classroom designing and outfitting their spaces. Looking at other schools’ solutions, talking to colleagues, and gathering input from staff, students, and families can impact your design decisions as well.

Contact us for more information.

Discover our top education furniture solutions from 2023 based on how K-12 schools, colleges, and universities are transforming their learning spaces.

In the dynamic landscape of education, the evolution of learning spaces is integral to facilitating effective teaching and learning experiences. As K-12 schools and higher education institutions continually seek to optimize these environments, the significance of adaptable, student-centric products became increasingly apparent throughout 2023. 

Now more than ever, schools are prioritizing comfort, flexibility, and student choice. This underscores a departure from traditional rigid classroom structures toward a more holistic approach that prioritizes teacher and student well-being and engagement. 

Our most popular design solutions from this past year are directly aligned with these themes. From supporting modern pedagogical ideologies to personalized and inclusive learning experiences, the top products specified by our education clients serve students and educators with modern, human-centered learning spaces.

In our 2023 year-in-review for K-12 and higher education, we share these top 5 products and spaces. 

Top 5 Products for K-12 Education

In K-12 school spaces, we observed leading product trends in learning spaces and classrooms, libraries, cafeterias, lobbies and lounges, and makerspaces. Top products in these spaces support the needs of each environment.

1. Learning Spaces: Ruckus Collection 

The classroom is where the magic happens! At KI, we know that a well-designed learning space caters to the diverse needs of students and educators. By leveraging universal design in physical spaces, educators can create active, inclusive spaces for all.

The Ruckus collection supports teachers in prioritizing flexibility, flow, functionality, and comfort, all of which are essential to student learning. Teachers and students benefit from designated storage for their belongings, documents, and technology. Mobile teacher lecterns offer a space-saving alternative to traditional desks. Ruckus chairs easily adapt to allow students to choose how they sit and learn. As our most comprehensive education furniture collection (which is expanding even more in 2024!), the Ruckus line can be adapted to suit the ever-changing needs of students and teachers on the go.

2. Libraries: Intellect Wave Collection

Over the past decade, libraries have evolved into the heart of schools. What was once a quiet place for borrowing books is now a bustling hub where students and teachers collaborate, work, and figuratively and literally recharge, as personal devices have evolved into integral tools for learning and sharing. Administrators utilize the library for after-school staff meetings, while community members may use it for meetings, training sessions, and even voting.

When designing school libraries, considerations are similar to the classroom with functionality, flow, and comfort, all of which can be well-facilitated by our Intellect Wave CollectionChairs and desks come in ergonomic forms to support student comfort, which can improve attentiveness. For students who work best when moving or fidgeting, the Intellect Wave rocker allows students to gently and safely rock back and forth, providing movement that can enhance focus and alertness. This simple rocker attachment can be added to any new or existing Intellect Wave cantilever chair.

3. Cafeterias: Uniframe Tables

School cafeterias are essential areas where students and staff go to enjoy meals and socialize. They also double as versatile spaces for school and community gatherings. Such central commons in K-12 buildings should balance functionality and cleanability, adapting their design based on the age and grade levels of the individuals using the space.

Easy to rearrange, our Uniframe tables allow schools to accommodate multipurpose functions, from all-school assemblies to lunch meetings for a single department. With six dynamic shapes including round, square, and hexagon, Uniframe tables are also easy to clean, move, and store, giving schools the option to quickly clear the cafeteria space for a school dance or physical education class.

4. Lobbies & Lounges: MyPlace Lounge Furniture

The lobby is often the first impression of a school, responsible for setting the tone of a welcoming atmosphere for students as well as parents and community members. This space demands safety, comfort, and aesthetic appeal, making it a perfect place for MyPlace lounge furniture. We often see schools mix-and-match contrasting fabric options and customizing with school colors and logos.

In lounges, we also see a focus on supporting well-being and offering staff a respite from daily stressors. MyPlace modular seating and occasional tables turn lounges into restorative places where teachers can socialize or regroup before the next class. Power integration makes it easy for teachers to do some lesson planning or grading in a quiet space, while our newer high-back models provide added privacy.

5. Makerspaces & Innovation Centers: Stout Tables 

School systems vary in how they use the term “makerspace,” but the common objective of these spaces is to encourage creativity, hands-on learning, and collaboration. They’re typically situated within a designated lab area in K-12 settings, but smaller schools may start by integrating a makerspace into a library or media center.

Whether you’re aiming to design a classroom for an art class, woodshop, or robotics class, Stout tablescan help create a highly functional makerspace with a large, industrial-grade surface for creative materials. These sturdy rectangular tables are specifically designed to withstand high-impact, hands-on activity and can be outfitted with storage accessories and outlets for charging laptops, batteries, or other electronics so that learning won’t be interrupted.

Top 5 Products for Higher Education

Interior design within higher education showed leading trends among gathering spaces, learning spaces or classrooms, lecture halls, conference rooms, and cafés and residence halls. Our top products offer specific solutions for the needs of those spaces. 

1. Gathering Spaces: Pirouette Tables 

Pirouette tables serve as a versatile option in large gathering halls. Nine unique shapes allow for dynamic configurations, adapting to various event layouts and functional requirements. Their unique nesting capabilities make them easy to stow away and optimize space when they’re not in use. Height adjustability accommodates diverse users and activities in support of inclusivity.

Incredibly versatile, Pirouette—our number one best-selling table line—offers high value to adaptable and inviting gathering spaces, enhancing the functionality and aesthetics of larger venues. 

2. Learning Spaces: Learn2 Seating 

Creating effective learning spaces for higher education requires careful planning to ensure spaces are conducive to diverse teaching methodologies. For colleges and universities, adaptability in learning spaces is essential for fostering a range of thought-provoking Socratic discussions to hands-on learning and practical applications.

Learn2 seating can accommodate the requirements of any learning approach with its dual-handed worksurface that swivels 154 degrees, easily accommodating individual work or dynamic configurations for partner or group work. A seat that swivels left and right eases egress and ensures inclusivity for all students.

3. Lecture Halls: Fixed Seating

Our fixed seating solutions are ideal for delivering comfort and functionality in college lecture halls and auditoriums. Various seat and base styles are specifically designed to enhance the learning and engagement experience in larger academic settings.

Ergonomic designs ensure support for extended periods of sitting, while fixed configurations make for efficient space utilization. With a wide range of options for superior form and function, our fixed seating solutions create an atmosphere of focused learning, making them a fitting choice for lecture halls of any size and scale.

4. Conference Rooms: Doni Guest Seating

Doni guest chairs provide a welcoming and comfortable seating solution for conference rooms on college campuses. With 17 degrees of hip articulation and body-conforming curves, Doni helps students and faculty stay engaged and productive during extended meetings or presentations.

In addition to unique two-tone color options, Doni offers a contemporary style that complements modern conference room aesthetics and creates an inviting atmosphere. Specifiers can choose among a comprehensive range of other Doni chair styles, including stack and task seating, to ensure a consistent design language across various areas throughout a collegiate setting.

5. Cafés & Residence Halls: Strive Chairs 

High-traffic areas such as college cafés and residence halls demand a comfortable, mobile, and easy-to-clean seating solution.

Strive seating offers an excellent choice with an ergonomic, flex-back design that encourages movement for enhanced circulation, while its lightweight structure and durable construction make it a lasting, practical, and high-value choice for busy areas on campus.